CI IE2 – Motor B5 (Flange Mounted)


Cast Iron Series

MOCI Series IE2

In today’s power scenario, we are facing a major power crunch. Day by day, the gap between demand & supply of electric energy is widening at the rate of 3%. Bridging this gap from supply side is very difficult & expensive proposition. The only viable way in handling these crises, in addition to capacity addition, is the efficient use of available energy, which is possible by use of energy efficient devices.

Electric motors are industry’s basic need. Electric motors consume around 70% of the total electricity used in the industrial sector. As motors are the largest users of electrical energy, even small efficiency improvements can produce large savings across the country. Energy conservation measure taken by individual consumers in this direction can improve the national economy & benefit the environment on global scale. An energy efficient motor produces the same shaft output power but draws less input power than a standard motor. Hence energy efficient motor consumes less electricity than comparable standard motor.

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